
NoMatterXAI: Generating No Matter What Alterfactual Examples for Explaining Black-Box Text Classification Models
Tuc Nguyen, James Michels, Hua Shen, Thai Le
arXiv, 2024

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ADAPTERS MIXUP: Mixing Parameter-Efficient Adapters to Enhance the Adversarial Robustness of Fine-tuned Pre-trained Text Classifiers
Tuc Nguyen, Thai Le
arXiv, 2024

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Generalizability of Mixture of Domain-Specific Adapters from the Lens of Signed Weight Directions and its Application to Effective Model Pruning
Tuc Nguyen, Thai Le
[ACL 2024] The Proceeding of 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

[paper] [code] [blog] [slide] [talk]

Representing Graph in the Product of Unified Space
Tuc Nguyen, Dung D.Le, Anh Ta, Long Tran-Thanh
preprint, 2024

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Learning Weighted Product Spaces Representations for Graphs of Heterogeneous Structure
Tuc Nguyen, Dung D.Le, Anh Ta
ICLR on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning, 2022

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Pruning deep equilibrium models
Hoang Pham*, Tuc Nguyen*, Anh Ta, Dung D.Le
ICML on Sparsity in Neural Network, 2022

[paper] [code] [blog] [slide] [talk]

Modeling the sequential behaviors of online users in Recommender System
Tuc Nguyen, Linh Ngo, Khoat Than
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications, 2019

[paper] [code] [blog] [slide] [talk]

* denotes equal contribution